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Differential pressure regulators
  • The purpose of differential pressure regulators is to maintain a constant pressure drop in the heating point/ on the control valve in the heating system or district heating system. The regulators close when the pressure drop increases.
  • Models: AVP/AVP-F, AFP/VFG
Differential pressure regulators and flow regulators/limiters
  • Automatic differential pressure regulators and flow regulators/limiters are primarily used in district heating systems. When the pressure drop increases or when the maximum flow rate is exceeded, the regulator valve closes.
  • Models: AVPB, AVPB-F, AVPQ, AVPQ-F, AVPQ 4
Combined control valves with automatic flow control
  • Equipped with an electric drive, the regulators are direct-acting flow regulators with a built-in control valve. The operating pressure on the control valve is maintained constant. Regulators are primarily used in district heating systems with a water coolant with a maximum temperature of no more than 150 ° C.
  • Models: AVQM, AFQM, AFQM 6
Pressure regulators "up to themselves"
  • The principle of operation of the regulator: when the pressure drop increases above the set value, the valve begins to open until an equilibrium is established between the force of the pressure drop acting on the diaphragm and the force of the spring. The valve is normally closed and opens when the pressure drop increases.
  • Moedli AFA, AVA
Pressure regulators "after themselves"
  • These regulators are direct-acting pressure reducing valves, which are primarily used in district heating systems. The regulators close when the pressure increases. The regulators have a control valve, an actuator with an adjustable diaphragm and a spring for adjusting the pressure. The principle of operation of the regulator: the diaphragm in the regulator regulates the pressure after the valve, due to the forces arising in the built-in spring.
  • AVD, AVDS, AFD/VFG models
Controllers with pilot control PCV
  • Pilot-controlled valves are suitable for a variety of possible applications. They consist of a main valve mounted on the main pipeline and a pilot regulator mounted on the bypass. The function of this regulator, such as pressure regulation or limiting the flow rate, is provided by a pilot regulator. In the case when the flow values are small, the main valve is closed, and regulation occurs exclusively thanks to the pilot regulator.


All products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant : radiator thermoregulators, heat exchangers, controllers and dispatching, flow and pressure regulators, temperature regulators
  • Control nodes
    Control nodes
  • Burner Components
    Burner Components
    RS, BFP, LD, LDS, etc.
  • Pipe fittings
    Pipe fittings
    JiP, FVF
  • Radiator thermoregulators
    Radiator thermoregulators
    RAW-K, RA 200, etc.
  • Thermoregulators for fan coil
    Thermoregulators for fan coil
    FED, FEK, FEV, etc.
  • Balancing valves
    Balancing valves
    ASV, MSV-BD LENO, etc.
  • Thermal points
    Thermal points
    Termix BL, Akva Vita, etc.
  • Heat meters
    Heat meters
    Logic, SONO, etc.
  • Room thermostats
    Room thermostats
    RMT, RET, TP, etc.
  • Heat exchangers
    Heat exchangers
    XB and XG
  • Flow and pressure regulators
    Flow and pressure regulators
    AVP/AVP-F, AFP/VFG, etc.
  • Temperature controllers
    Temperature controllers
    AVTQ, RAVI, RAVK, etc.
  • Seat valves
    Seat valves
    VS, VM 2, VB, etc.
  • Rotary valves
    Rotary valves
    HRE, HFE, HFB, etc.
  • Electric drives
    Electric drives
    AMV, ABV2, TWA, etc.
  • Controllers and dispatching
    Controllers and dispatching
    ECL Apex 10, ECL Comfort 100, etc.


The world's leading manufacturer of energy-saving equipment for heating and heat supply systems of buildings.
  • heating

    Local regulation of the parameters of the heat carrier in the heating point, individual control of the heat supply from heating devices to the premises, as well as automatic maintenance of hydraulic modes in the pipeline network of the system.

    Accounting for thermal energy is the most important component of energy saving. In combination with regulation, accounting allows you to save consumers ' money, which in turn is an incentive for further savings.

    Reliability, quality, energy efficiency of the equipment. Application at all stages of economic water turnover: water extraction and purification, pumping stations, outdoor networks, taps.

Information Board

Learn more about our products.
  • Questionnaire марки
  • Radiator thermoregulators and pipe fittings for water heating systems в магазине
    Radiator thermoregulators and pipe fittings for water heating systems
  • Energy-saving heating convectors with automatic thermostats в магазине
    Energy-saving heating convectors with automatic thermostats
  • Balancing valves от производителя
    Balancing valves
  • Hydraulic temperature, pressure and flow regulators из каталога
    Hydraulic temperature, pressure and flow regulators
  • Electronic regulators, dispatching and electrical controls  производства
    Electronic regulators, dispatching and electrical controls
  • Control valves and electric actuators изготовителя
    Control valves and electric actuators
  • Shut-off and control valves for water supply systems  марки
    Shut-off and control valves for water supply systems
  • Means of accounting for thermal energy производства
    Means of accounting for thermal energy
  • Plate heat exchangers поставщика
    Plate heat exchangers
  • Control units for air heaters and air coolers завода
    Control units for air heaters and air coolers


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