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Water heaters
  • Akva Vita is a pressure-controlled heat pump with a high-speed water heater for the DHW system, provides hot water to a small residential building (32.3 kW at a heating coolant supply temperature of 60 °C and a 0.2 bar drop at the inlet). The standard elements of the point are a bypass with a thermostat, as well as the ability to use a thermal point in hot water systems with recirculation.
  • Akva Lux is a pressure- and temperature-controlled heat point with a high-speed water heater, applicable both in apartment buildings and in individual construction, cottages where there is a need for a large amount of hot water.
  • The Termix One thermal point is characterized by high efficiency and ease of maintenance. Termix One has compact dimensions and is designed for the preparation of hot water of the DHW system. The Termix One thermal point has three versions: for one, up to 4 or already up to 10 apartments. It is suitable for working both with the central heating network and with an individual heat source.
  • Thermal point Termix BV is a high-speed water heater combining compactness and high efficiency of heat transfer, suitable for large private and apartment buildings, sports arenas, schools.
  • The Termix BL thermal point is designed for heating water in hot water storage systems in large private and apartment buildings, sports arenas, schools.
TP - with independent heating
  • VX-Solo. Compact wall-mounted heating point for independent connection of the heating system to the heating network and the preparation of hot water for household needs.
  • Thermal point Termix VX Compact 20 is an excellent solution for heating with optimal safety, efficient heat transfer, convenient and compact design. The heat point is used in schemes with independent connection of heating to a heat source, where the parameters in the heating circuit pose a danger to the internal systems of the building.
  • Termix VX Compact 28
  • H-22
Heating points - with dependent heating
  • The Termix VMTD thermal point is characterized by high efficiency and ease of maintenance. Termix VMTD has compact dimensions and is designed for the preparation of hot water of the DHW system and direct connection of the heating system.
  • Akva Vita S is a thermal point for dependent connection of a heating system or underfloor heating through a mixing unit, and a hot water system with a high-speed water heater, as well as with connecting pipes for the heating circuit in front of the mixing unit.
  • Akva Lux S is a thermal point for dependent connection of a heating system or underfloor heating through a mixing unit, and a hot water system with a high-speed water heater, as well as with connecting pipes for the heating circuit in front of the mixing unit.
  • Termix VMTD MIX-B
  • The Termix VMTD Mix Q thermal point is characterized by high efficiency and ease of maintenance. Termix VMTD Mix Q has compact dimensions and is designed for the preparation of hot water for hot water systems, connection of heating systems and underfloor heating.
  • The Termix VMTD Compact 20 thermal point is an excellent solution for multi–family and apartment buildings.
  • Termix VMTD Compact 28
  • Apartment heating points: Akva Vita TDP-F, Akva Lux TDP-F, Termix VMTD F
Heating points - with independent heating and closed hot water supply
  • Akva Vita VX-2000 is a thermal point for independent connection of a heating system and a closed hot water system with a scabby water heater.
  • Akva Lux VX is a thermal point for independent connection of heating and hot water systems with a high-speed water heater. Especially suitable for two-pipe heating systems and underfloor heating systems.
  • The Termix VVX thermal point is characterized by high efficiency and ease of maintenance. Termix VVX has compact dimensions and is designed for the preparation of hot water of the DHW system and the connection of the heating system through a heat exchanger.
  • Termix VVX-Q. A heat point for the preparation of hot water through a plate heat exchanger and the connection of the heating system according to an independent scheme for 7 apartments.
  • The Termix VVX Compact 20 heat point is an excellent solution for hot water preparation and heating connection with optimal safety, efficient heat transfer, convenient and compact design.
  • Termix VVX Compact 28
Large thermal points
  • The HKL heat point is equipped with automatic regulation and control facilities and can be used in both residential and industrial construction. The HKL heat point is designed taking into account the temperature schedule of the coolant in the summer period. The heating point is designed for hot water supply, heating, underfloor heating or air conditioning systems.
  • The LJ heat point is designed for hot water supply, heating, underfloor heating or air conditioning systems. The thermal point is designed for a wide range of capacities, from loads per apartment to 20 MW or more. Danfoss heat exchangers can be disassembled for cleaning, after which the plates and seals are easily installed in place.

All products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant : radiator thermoregulators, heat exchangers, controllers and dispatching, flow and pressure regulators, temperature regulators
  • Control nodes
    Control nodes
  • Burner Components
    Burner Components
    RS, BFP, LD, LDS, etc.
  • Pipe fittings
    Pipe fittings
    JiP, FVF
  • Radiator thermoregulators
    Radiator thermoregulators
    RAW-K, RA 200, etc.
  • Thermoregulators for fan coil
    Thermoregulators for fan coil
    FED, FEK, FEV, etc.
  • Balancing valves
    Balancing valves
    ASV, MSV-BD LENO, etc.
  • Thermal points
    Thermal points
    Termix BL, Akva Vita, etc.
  • Heat meters
    Heat meters
    Logic, SONO, etc.
  • Room thermostats
    Room thermostats
    RMT, RET, TP, etc.
  • Heat exchangers
    Heat exchangers
    XB and XG
  • Flow and pressure regulators
    Flow and pressure regulators
    AVP/AVP-F, AFP/VFG, etc.
  • Temperature controllers
    Temperature controllers
    AVTQ, RAVI, RAVK, etc.
  • Seat valves
    Seat valves
    VS, VM 2, VB, etc.
  • Rotary valves
    Rotary valves
    HRE, HFE, HFB, etc.
  • Electric drives
    Electric drives
    AMV, ABV2, TWA, etc.
  • Controllers and dispatching
    Controllers and dispatching
    ECL Apex 10, ECL Comfort 100, etc.


The world's leading manufacturer of energy-saving equipment for heating and heat supply systems of buildings.
  • heating

    Local regulation of the parameters of the heat carrier in the heating point, individual control of the heat supply from heating devices to the premises, as well as automatic maintenance of hydraulic modes in the pipeline network of the system.

    Accounting for thermal energy is the most important component of energy saving. In combination with regulation, accounting allows you to save consumers ' money, which in turn is an incentive for further savings.

    Reliability, quality, energy efficiency of the equipment. Application at all stages of economic water turnover: water extraction and purification, pumping stations, outdoor networks, taps.

Information Board

Learn more about our products.
  • Questionnaire марки
  • Radiator thermoregulators and pipe fittings for water heating systems в магазине
    Radiator thermoregulators and pipe fittings for water heating systems
  • Energy-saving heating convectors with automatic thermostats в магазине
    Energy-saving heating convectors with automatic thermostats
  • Balancing valves от производителя
    Balancing valves
  • Hydraulic temperature, pressure and flow regulators из каталога
    Hydraulic temperature, pressure and flow regulators
  • Electronic regulators, dispatching and electrical controls  производства
    Electronic regulators, dispatching and electrical controls
  • Control valves and electric actuators изготовителя
    Control valves and electric actuators
  • Shut-off and control valves for water supply systems  марки
    Shut-off and control valves for water supply systems
  • Means of accounting for thermal energy производства
    Means of accounting for thermal energy
  • Plate heat exchangers поставщика
    Plate heat exchangers
  • Control units for air heaters and air coolers завода
    Control units for air heaters and air coolers


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